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Astrocartography Services

Go Where Success Awaits Your Arrival

You surely realize that some places offer you better resources, to help you achieve your goals, than other places.  StarWise's unique "3-D" astrocartography maps and 3-D relocation astrology techniques can precisely pinpoint such wonderful, ideal places for you--near and far.

Astrocartography and other exciting astrology tools now allow you to find your own "Paradise" -- the location where you can best maximize your life.  StarWise can help you discover the ideal spot where you can enjoy more love, wealth, health, success, family, friends or any other wonderful goal you desire.

3-D Astrocartography - synastry
Local Space map

What Are Your Goals...

I can tell you exactly the places (local and distant) where you can:

meet your soul love mate
find a great job
start a business
buy a home or real estate
retire in style
recover / improve your health
find happiness, purpose and spiritual contentment

Dr. Steve Boswell says:

"My wife, Yong, and I first consulted Stephen in 1992 for astrology advice concerning business and personal matters.  In 1993, we asked Stephen how we could make 'a lot of money.'  He said that to do so we must relocate to Honolulu, Hawaii.  Well, we made almost $1MM from 1994-97.  Read More... *


The use of location maps to improve people's lives began when famous astrologer, Jim Lewis, re-discovered why your life is sometimes dramatically different when you move to a new location.   His A*C*G (AstroCartoGraphy) map was a thrilling breakthrough for users of astrology worldwide.

Staying put...

If you want to, or must stay right where you currently are, learn exactly where your local "opportunity spots" are in your immediate area.   Even if you have lived in the same town for your whole life, I can still show you new "good luck" places.   StarWise's "Treasure Map" and Report pinpoints the hot spots to go to in order to meet just the right person or find just the right opportunity to improve your job, love and romantic relationships, finances, health, fun times, etc. To read more about your Local Space Map More information / Place Order

Lyn Williams --- Local Space Treasure Map

Able to move...

If you able to move you can learn about your "Paradise" locations in any state, country or continent you prefer. My recommended location(s) will have the ideal opportunities, people and resources you need to maximize your current goals and dreams.  More information / Place Order

Gretchen Sauder --- Paradise Relocation Consultation

Set destination...
If you must relocate to a specific destination then you can prepare ahead of time by knowing what to expect. Plus I can also tell you precisely where in your "future hometown" you will find the best "opportunity spots" to improve your job, love and romantic relationships, finances, health, fun times, etc.  More information / Place Order

Jomi Trotter --- Relocation Advice

Starting or growing your a business...
If you are starting or relocating a business or organization, then learn where to lay your "cornerstone," where to find your suppliers, where to find your most profitable customers, and where to avoid stiff competition.

If you want to grow your existing business or organization, right where you are without relocating, then learn where and when to find your most profitable customers, your most reliable, low cost suppliers, and what areas to avoid due to stiff competition, complications, etc.  More information / Place Order

Special needs...
If have extra special needs, or if none of the above services is satisfactory, simply ask me directly how I can help you. Contact me by email or telephone and I will personally reply by email with my specific recommendations based on your needs.


More information

Please read some of the many success stories and testimonials my customers send in after using StarWise astrocartography relocation services.   This is a great way to learn how to maximize your benefits from my services.

To learn more how astrocartography and relocation astrology can help you, read my fascinating, free and sample eBooks

* These are individual results which may vary from person to person.

Obviously, the benefits of your own StarWise service(s) may
NOT be exactly identical to the testimonials above—you may
enjoy more, less or similar results.

StarWise provides all clients with clear, effective recommendations
on how you can help maximize the intended benefits of your StarWise
guidance. StarWise is committed to helping you as much as possible.

We hope and expect you to do the same--to vigorously help yourself
grow, prosper and savor every moment of your precious life. The more
this happens, the more you will benefit from and appreciate our
collaborative teamwork!

StarWise Astrology Services
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