StarWise Visitor Feedback
Visitor Comments Many of our visitors have sent us notes and email commenting
on services they received. These are samples from a few of our visitors:
Andrea, Martha, Barbara, Sally,
Estelle, Keya,
Cindy, Yong, Keri, Julie, Steven
Please feel free to send us your comments as
well. We will be happy to include
them here.
Obviously, the benefits of your own StarWise
service(s) may
NOT be exactly identical to the those below—you
enjoy more, less or similar results.

StarWise |
Andrea said: Hi, Stephen!
I have been reading your daily horoscopes for the past year or
so and I have to say that they are consistently and uncannily right on!! And I have to emphasize that I'm not straining
at all to find linkages between my personal experiences and your readings. I often read horoscopes written by other
astrologers and find zero connection to the events of my life -- but for some reason, your predictions prove over
and over again to be right on and very supportive.
For example, yesterday I had a rather unpleasant experience with
a friend that really broke my heart. I was curious to see whether the event might have shown up in the stars. As expected,
there it was: "You may be left smarting inside because of someone's insensitive remark. However, news about a
publishing, educational, or travel matter will please you very much. It takes time to get back in the groove so accept
any invitations."
Reading my horoscope put the situation into complete perspective.
I was able to move happily through the rest of my day. Actually, everything turned around that day -- just as predicted
in the reading.
I also want to thank you for the many enlightened insights I've
received from you through personal astrological consultations. You have an amazing ability to grasp a person's nature
through his chart and to give really useful guidance in helping one to capitalize on a strength and/or to develop
around a weakness. I often meditate on the messages you have given me, as I have found them extremely empowering,
especially during times of challenge.
a doubt, working with you has helped me to be
much more successful and happy in life. I would
not hesitate to recommend your services to anyone
who is interested in self-knowledge and development.
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Martha said: "Thank you so much for having your wonderful
page. You say more in just a few words than any of the rest. You are so accurate it is, as the children say, awesome.
It is amazing as I realize these (daily horoscopes) are just generalities for all the signs. Hope
someday to be able to order something personal
Martha (Sag)" *
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Barbara said: "In the last six years, you have helped
me: --quit smoking & not gain weight (after 25 years) --get divorced --start my own great business (a life
long goal) --raise my kids better (both of them) --learn a lot of new things about love, life and sharing.
So, as far as I am concerned, you're the best astrologer in the world.
Barbara Warren" *
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Sally said: "I was inspired to write you and give you an update.
My home is now officially on the market for sale! I am happier and more energized than I have been in quite some time.
I'm absolutely ready to relocate and your #1 pick of places to go is beautiful. Williamsport, Pa is located on the
Susquehanna river nestled in the mountains (Allegheny, I believe). ....I am changing and very much liking who I am.
...I feel like I am whole --fully integrated. Recognizing and accepting the painful experiences in my life has proven
to be the keystone for change and growth. I thank you from my heart for the "kick in the butt." I'm off
and running and I look forward to whatever challenge comes my way.
With love and Light, Sally Donahoe
P.S. You are really good !!" *
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Estelle said: "Thank you so much! You were very helpful
to tell us where to retire. Florida is a wonderful place.
Best regards, Estelle and Marc" *
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Keya said:
"Your forecast for my husband and I has
been so phenomenally accurate and helpful ! Our
lives have never been so happy and successful
! You have meant so much to us over the last two
years. We can only tell other people about your
wonderful services and wish you well. All our
best wishes!" *
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Cindy said: "We both wish to thank you for your accurate and
beneficial advice about our relationship and soon our marriage!
With deep appreciation, Cindy + Dan"
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Yong said: "How has the summer been for you? Mine has been exceedingly
INTENSE! I feel like I walked through some dimensional doorway and that I coexist in two different dimensions at once
--the one I thought I inhabited and the other one which circumscribes the first: the doughnut and the doughnut hole.
It's a very disconcerting sensation to say the least. It's a good thing I trust this process wholeheartedly otherwise
I suppose I wouldn't be in it.
Your help keeps me going--thanks! Yong Lee"
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Keri said: "Thanks for the support and insight. I've figured
out why it's bothered me--what I overlooked. Sometimes we can't see the forest for the trees! I'm getting back on
track now!
Thanks for being so nice!
Keri Pond" *
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Julie said: "Just a quick update. I called Bruce Whitehill
and met with him last Thursday. Then on Saturday nite I actually had a small part in his "We The Jury" dinner
theater at the Hospitality House. He doesn't really have any NYC connections, but I will be able to get some improv
experience with his company. He said he does know of someone who runs this type of thing on Long Island, and that
he could arrange introductions with him if I move there permanently. He also talked with me about helping market his
company and book more jobs. What do you think of that? I'm not sure I have the ability to do that too with everything
else that's going on. I don't want to lose what little focus I have.
Lastly, have you had a chance to meet with Ceara yet? sent her to you after she seemed very interested
in my experiences with you.
Talk to you soon.
Sincerely, Julie Pettis" *
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Steven said
"Happy belated birthday (when was it?) Thank you for helping the chiropractor adjust -- a whole
lot more than just their bones + muscles. It has been an education for us -- one that will take years to master. We
will certainly keep in touch -- I hope you will do super.
Your not so secret admirers
Dr. Steven C. Boswell & Staff"
* These are individual results
which may vary from person to person.
Obviously, the benefits of your own StarWise
service(s) may
NOT be exactly identical to the testimonials above—you
enjoy more, less or similar results.
StarWise provides all clients with clear, effective
on how you can help maximize the intended benefits
of your StarWise
guidance. StarWise is committed to helping you
as much as possible.
We hope and expect you to do the same--to vigorously
help yourself
grow, prosper and savor every moment of your precious
life. The more
this happens, the more you will benefit from and
appreciate our
collaborative teamwork!
StarWise Astrology Services
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